Contact us : 00212 6 61616798 | E-mail: [email protected]

SLS Partner

Organization Chart :

We have opted for a flexible organization that got certain level of maturity, segregated in 5 centers of competence supply chain related:

Our organization is built upon a panel of persons, who are involved either part time or full time, depends on the context.

All of them have a variety of backgrounds and single vision: Reach the goal and create synergies while intervening:

Tarik Zaghloul : ENSEM civil Engineer with a Master degree in Supply Chain management from EPFL. Project management and supply chain background expertise throughout 12 years of operational management and strategical support as well (Founder Consultant)

Jaouad Zoumi : Professional licence in distribution and international transport from French institute. Almost 15 years experience in Supply Chain management with focus and mastering on the international transport process (Associate Consultant).

Didier Pecquet : Master of transport and industrial logistics from Ecole de commerce de Lyon 2. He has been evolved in plenty of missions as logistics project manager. He got 27 years of ground floor experience mainly automotive sector oriented (Associate Consultant).

Mohamed Ouzzine : ALkhawayne University Diploma and Master of science from US. He has been leading various IT projects in multinational environments around Supply chain topics (Associate Consultant).

Rachid Ateich : ENSEM civil engineer, expert in the maintenance of industrial and logistics platforms with deep experience for around 13 years (Senior consultant)

Our staff deals with different operational constraints encountered, in order to streamline your flows and transactions.