Contact us : 00212 6 61616798 | E-mail: [email protected]

SLS Partner

Vocation :

Get a slot in emergent market that needs professional expertise:

Why could you require an external support…?

  • Investigate a new area in witch there is a lack of expertise inside your company
  • Tackle spot over-charge in management labour that could not be absorbed internaly in particular descipline.
  • Compare internal delivrables to external point of view. The aim is to challenge before settling an ultimate decision for no-back process.
Spread over our Know-how and tasks mastering:
  • Ground floor expertise well tested while implementing activities.
  • Aknowledgment of the Morrocan market particularities and cicumstances.
  • Multi-disciplinaries & multi-langages competencies, acquired over decades.
  • Cutting edge technology implementation know-how (WMS, PDA, EDI, RF...).
  • Strong and wide panel of references in term of implementation.
  • 1 key contact in front and variety of competencies behind for door-to-door solutions.
Customize and fine-tune standards offers in regard to each partner (Main SLS currency):

SLS business approach is context oriented. We believe that each customer has its own personality and shape. Our solutions are designed to meet customers individual needs. The target is to move step forward through simple actions reachable and measurable without breaking the frame. Key factors contributing to provide a suitable offer are:

  • Good will & Kind of structure;
  • Social & overall climate inside;
  • Organisationnal maturity;
  • Tendering and service request formulation.
The mix converge to an unique objective

Assimilate the customer needs and the circumstances of its expression, in order to provide a solid and suitable solutions that will last in time.

Vocation undertaked as the following pattern: